Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Media Lab

Media Lab

Q After you have completed the "Microbial Media Lab" and tackled the associated worksheet questions, please answer the following questions. Once you have answered them, I encourage you to reach out to other students in the class to compare answers. This lab and assignment covers a number of important concepts, and I find the answers to these questions are not always easy; comparing with others helps. You are likewise encouraged to visit me in office hours to ask for clarifications. Before submitting, you can change your answers and otherwise improve them. You are encouraged to reach out to each other via Canvas Collaborations, Google Docs, email, Canvas email, texts, or other technologies to coordinate. You are not required to work together on this, but you will most likely find doing so helpful. Please don't wait too long to reach out to others as some students tend to complete assignments early and submit, and if you do choose to compare your answers with others, you may begin to lose the opportunity to do so. Once you are satisfied with your own work, submit your answers to the following questions as an upload (Word or pdf document) to Canvas. Please reach out to me if you have any questions! Please submit your answers to the following questions: 1) Identify the source(s) of a) carbon and b) nitrogen in NA and GSA media 2) If you wanted to set up an enrichment culture to find species of oil-degrading bacteria from water samples of a nearby lake, which of these two media would be more appropriate to use, and what ingredient in it would you have to replace with oil in order for your enrichment culture to work? Please explain. 3) You leave two open Petri dishes in lab: one of NA, the other of GSA. On which would you expect more growth (both numbers of colonies and diversity) a couple of days later? Please explain. 4) In a survival situation where you needed something to eat and you were trapped in lab, if you had a container of NA and a container of GSA, each in their dry powdered form, and plenty of water, which of these two would better sustain you, NA or GSA? Please explain.

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1. NA allows the growth of a wide variety of microbes. It contains yeast extract and peptone that serve as carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. Glucose salt agar (GSA) contains yeast extract and tryptone to serve as carbon and nitrogen sources. 2. GSA can serve as a better growth medium for oil-degrading bacteria than NA. Crude oil can replace tryptone available in the agar and can act as a substrate. 3. NA will show diverse and enormous growth of bacterial and fungal species if left open. On contrast, GSA will only show the growth of a few species being a differential agar. 4. GSA contains dextrose and sodium chloride required to maintain the normal levels of sugar and salts in the body. It can readily provide energy. Water available in the lab will help to dissolve these components.